FM Range
Compact and versatile, the FM range brings you all the advantages of progressing cavity pumps, in a small, compact and economical design.
Tested and proven in many applications:
- Wide range of flows, 20 up to 10,000 LPH
- High performance combined with efficient design
- Self priming ideal for suction lifts
- Lightweight and compact
- Low noise emission
- Non-pulsating reliable flow
- Extremely simple maintenance
- Low cost of ownership
- Different material combinations available to suit applications
- Waste water treat (Polymers, waste, sludge, flucculants)
- Chemical industry (detergemts. varnish, paints, inks, soaps)
- Buildings (Cements, Bentonite)
- Agrofood industry (Creams, emulsions, wine, olive oils)
- Energy (Hydrocarbons, coolant and cutting oils, acids)
- Drainage applications
- Sampling duties
- Abrasive slurries
- Ideal for OEM pump applications